Beyond the Pour: Pairing Art and Wine Label Design
October 21, 2005 - January 29, 2006
Bob Nugent
This exhibition was made possible by an extraordinary team of people under the guidance and vision of our guest curator, Bob Nugent. Many thanks to the participating artists and designers whose work for this exhibition expresses so skillfully the creative process. Their insights and talents move us closer to a better appreciation of the con-nections among art, craft, and design.
Additionally, I would like to gratefully ackknowledge the following for their generosity and contributions to our First Anniversary Celebration:
Benziger Family Winery
Clos du Bois
Fess Parker Winery & Vineyard Geyser Peak Winery
Gloria Ferrer
Haines Gallery
Hotel Rex
Imagery Estate Winery Magnolia Editions, Inc.
Maury Lapp
Michael Osborne Design Writing Arts
When I was asked to curate this exhibition on wine labels I wanted to show more than just the finished product. As an artist I have always been interested in process. Often the making of something has been more satisfying than the finished product. For designers, who must work with and please a client, this process is essential to their success. It was my desire to investigate this process, between artist/designer and the client that has hired them to design a label for their wine.
In addition, small works of art have held a special place for me. I enjoy holding a print or drawing in my hand and reading it as though I was holding a poem. The wine label is meant to attract one’s attention; and when you pick up the bottle to view it, one should be rewarded by its beauty and information.
This exhibition documents the creative design process from inception through to the finished package. The process may include designing not only the label, but also corks, capsules and glass. Marketing tags, known as point of sales material, are often a part of the total design. Six designers from around the Bay Area have described the inspiration for their artwork and how they work with wineries to achieve a package that is not only distinctive, but market savvy.
– Bob Nugent
Britton Design
Buttitta Design
Caldeway Design
Charles House Design
Michael Osborne Design
Robert Arneson
Squeak Carnwath
Dominic DeMare
Don Farnsworth
David Gilhooly
Nancy Graves
Sol LeWitt
David Nash