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Jorg Dubin: Corporate Jets



Model jets hanging from the ceiling
Model jets hanging from the ceiling

Jorg Dubin: Corporate Jets

November 3, 2013 – January 6, 2014

Exhibition designer: Ted Cohen, Museum of Craft and Design


The Museum of Craft and Design’s exhibitions and programs are generously supported by the Windgate Foundation and Grants for the Arts.

In homage to a silent 2013 Fleet Week in San Francisco, the Museum of Craft and Design will present an interior “flyby” of three Corporate Jets. These sentries will guide visitors into the Museum as they soar above our entry and Museum Store in stealthy silence.

Artist Jorg Dubin has kept a close eye on the disintegration between the middle class and the very wealthy grow at alarming rates in America. The Corporate Jet series is Dubin’s playful and ironic look at the transcendence of influence or perhaps the merging of power of corporate America, politics and peoples’ innate desire for the good life. Using luxury brand imagery combined with symbols of America’s military dominance and power around the world, this series of metal sculptures touch on the subject of President Eisenhower’s warning about the military industrial complex, war profiteering and the general sense of greed at the top of the economic food chain.

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