Nasim Moghadam

Birth Certificate
Archival pigment print, plywood, metal, fabric
Nasim Moghadam’s research explores the identity of women concerning culture and society. Using materials such as glass, fabric, wood, hair, and dirt, Moghadam is interested in bringing to light the restriction and limitations placed on females and their bodies. This act of reclamation finds inspiration in the efforts of women worldwide who are defending their basic, undeniable rights.
The Birth Certificate is a monumental sculptural installation enlarging eight pages of her birth certificate booklet. It is made out of materials such as archival pigment print, plywood, fabric, and metal. This work is a representation of female hyphenated identity in the Middle East and especially Iran as a way of showing the impacts of the restrictive traditions, traumatic memories, exploring inside the culture, and exhibiting what it means to be a woman.
Nasim Noghadam, Birth Certificate, 2019. Image courtesy of the artist
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Purchase this artwork and others from the Call & Response exhibition online at MCD’s Artists Marketplace.