Susan Lenz

How Lucky Am I, White Privilege
Mixed: painted canvas and embroidery
Horrifying videos of police brutality, recent protests, and especially the number of email messages from businesses and non-profits with racial equity support messages got Susan Lenz thinking and wanting to better educate herself in regards to white privilege and justice for minorities. She learned that living a life “color blind” was not enough. “I dream of a world where race doesn’t matter … but we don’t live there! After all, if one isn’t part of the solution, one is part of the problem. To remain silent would be an act of cowardice; it would allow the white privilege with which I was born to go unchallenged. Speaking up and speaking out is necessary. Sending bulk messages supporting Black Lives Matter is easy … but for me, it wasn’t enough either. Action was necessary, and as an artist, my support had to be more than mere words. It had to be ART. These works are my statement.”
Susan Lenz, How Lucky Am I, White Privilege, 2020. Image courtesy of the artist
Purchase this artwork and others from the Call & Response exhibition online at MCD’s Artists Marketplace.